Shaanxi employers ordered to pay compensation for delaying minimum wage payments

13 June 2006
Starting from 1 July 2006, employers in Shaanxi province will be required to pay compensation to their employees as much as double their unpaid wages for any delay of minimum wage payments.

The "Regulations on Minimum Wage in Shaanxi Province", which will be implemented on 1 July, if employers refused to pay their employees their unpaid wages within the time limit set out by the labour and social security authorities, they would be ordered to pay their employees an additional 50 percent to 100 percent of their unpaid wages. The term "employers" was referred to both government agencies and privately-held company owners.

According to the new regulations, the minimum wage level should be adjusted at least once every two years. The minimum wage level in Shaanxi is set out in four regional categories – the highest being 490 yuan per month, while the lowest was 400 yuan a month. The new regulations also required employers to pay minimum wages to non full-time workers and their minimum wage level is also set out in four regional categories – 6 yuan per hour being the highest, while 4.8 yuan per hour being the lowest. Employers are also required to help their non full-time workers buy pension, medical and industrial injuries insurances.

Source: 8 June 2006 (Legal Daily), 8 June 2006 (Xi'an Evening News)

13 June 2006
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