Endorsements for China Labour Bulletin

24 January 2014

Leading scholars, researchers, journalists and trade unionists discuss the importance of China Labour Bulletin.

China Labour Bulletin is simply the most authoritative source on China's labour movement, the rapid evolution of which companies ignore at their peril. CLB's analysts, bulletins and website are an indispensable resource for anyone interested in labour and manufacturing issues on the Chinese mainland.

Tom Mitchell
Financial Times, Beijing

China Labour Bulletin is the leading non-governmental organization working on labor rights in China.  While an advocacy and activist organization at heart, it also conducts excellent objective research and analysis on labor issues in China.  Its activism and outreach work are greatly informed by its deep knowledge and understanding of the critical issues facing Chinese workers today.

Mary Gallagher
Director, Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan

In the last four years, the workers’ movement has developed into an important element of the Chinese civil society. Scholars who try to analyse the Chinese socio-political system have to analyse its developments.  However, sources on workers’ organizations, modes of action, and strategies are very scarce. Although the Chinese media have broadened the scope of their reporting, they still don’t give precise information on these developments. China Labour Bulletin remains the best existing source on a movement that involves millions of participants. Its incomparable web of contacts on the mainland, its long history of reporting on this subject make an indispensable read for scholars.

Jean-Philippe Béja
Senior Research Fellow at CNRS, French Centre for Research on Contemporary China.

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